The bay of Pag consists of 27 km of sandy beaches. However, the island of Pag is also rich with beaches on its outer parts. There are beautiful beaches in Stara Novalja, Novalja, Šimuni, Košljun, Povljana, Smokvica, Vlašici, but also far away from the villages, like in Goriška Draga, Mali Zaton, Veli Zaton, Malin, Baška slana.
The largest beach of all is the beach Zrce, near Novalja. It also has the most diverse offer which includes catering and entertainment establishments which are open all night long. The beach Sveti Duh (Holy Spirit) is very beautiful and especially interesting, being the only beach on the island that has sandy sea bed. The fine, soft and very pleasant sand on this beach spreads even 50 meters from the shore, therefore we recommend Sveti Duh to the families with children. The main beach of the town of Pag is Prosika which hosts several thousands of swimmers in the summer. It is located not far from the town. It is possible to rent beach paddles, canoes, ski jets; to play volley ball on sand or simply enjoy an ice-cream and a soda in one of the beach bars. There is a big parking area behind the beach.

In the cove Slana reigns almost mystical silence, only once and a while interrupted by the cries of the seagulls and eagles from the surrounding cliffs. The sea is fresh, the beach is pleasant for sunbathing and we recommend it to the individuals that prefer to be alone on the beach. The beach Malin is a sandy beach located in so called Paška vrata (the Gate of Pag).There is a water spring nearby. Sailors are recommended to go to the beaches on the west and east parts of the island, near the villages Šimuni, Povljana and Smokvica, for example. The beaches in Goriška Draga, Malin, Mali Zaton, Veli Zaton and Baška slana can be reached only by boats. On the other hand, the beaches Zrce, Sveti Duh, Šimuni and Povljana are reachable also by car. The beaches on the island are mostly sandy. Other, rocky beaches, exist only on the west side of the island, near the villages Varsan, Dudici, Jakišnica, Potocnica and Tovarnele.